Holdenby Business Services Limited - Services

S e r v i c e s

We offer a wide range of services, which can be tailored to your specific business, needs.

This includes:

A c c o u n t s

We will prepare:

We may suggest improvements in your record keeping process in order to make it easier and more efficient for yourselves.
Where appropriate, we will file accounts online with Companies House and H M Revenue and Customs, along with the company tax return and advise you of any liability and deadlines.

M a n a g e m e n t   a c c o u n t s   /   B o o k k e e p i n g

We can provide a weekly/monthly/quarterly bookkeeping service, from manual or computer records.
We can advise on suitable computer packages and provide support and training assistance if you think the time is right to change your existing record keeping method.
We are able to help determine whether the business should be registered for VAT and if so, complete the registration process and prepare and submit VAT returns.

P a y r o l l

We provide a timely and accurate payroll service, which can be run weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annually.
Year-end returns would be prepared and submitted online.
If a payroll scheme has not previously been set-up, we can also assist with this.

P e r s o n a l   t a x a t i o n

We prepare and submit online, personal and partnership tax returns whilst advising on any liabilities and deadlines by which the liabilities would need to be paid, in order to avoid any late filing penalties and interest. Repayments and reductions in payments on account would also be requested, where necessary.
Advice would also be given, where appropriate, on tax efficiency and planning.

S t a t u t o r y

We can prepare the necessary documentation for starting a company and assist with the ongoing returns and forms, which may be required by Companies House.